Monday, July 23, 2012

progress update.....
fermenter room is starting to look like a fermenter room,
interior walls are all up,
plumbing is going in,
ABC part one is done, part two is underway,

slow and steady wins the race. ( I really need to upload some pics of the construction.)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Busy, busy,,,

We're busting our butts.  We got our building permits, electrical permits, plumbing, permits, health permits, ABC part 1 permit,,,,, gees makes me tired just saying them all yet alone doing all the paper work.  and I probably even forgot a few permits in that list.  Each of the above permits probably require two days per permit just to do the paper work correctly.  Hence the title of this post, busy, busy.

Now we're starting construction which is not just busy busy but also sweaty sweaty.  A lot of this early on construction phase has included crawling around in a hot attic.  And with the weather around here lately, that has not been,, enjoyable. Its barely even survivable.   Luckily we have had some very generous and brave helpers(cough bryan thanks a lot! cough).  We have torn down most of the interior walls that were already there and have rebuilt walls to isolate the brewing and kitchen areas.  The large window to allow viewing of the fermentation room is already in place. That is really helping us to keep our motivation up because its finally starting to look like a brewery.  This weekend we also installed a large mantel in the table area that is made from huge and positively heavy reclaimed oak.  

So we're getting a little further a long every day... stay tuned, same horse time, same horse channel

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Tanks are here !

Our tanks have arrived.  We now have a mash tun, brew kettles, and fermenters.  That look great.  Good craftsmanship, all polished up. Exciting times.
Below are the boxes as they arrived off the truck.  and to the right is a fermenter as one side of the packaging was pulled off.    and at the bottom is the brew kettle with one side of the packaging pulled off.