Thursday, May 17, 2012

We passed the Lovettsville Planning Commission unanimously !  So now its on to the Town Council approval.  Basically, We need these to change the zoning from a by right use to a special exception.  Thus far we have good momentum.  Just a million or more permits and approvals and we'll be ready. 

Got the control panel a couple days ago and have been playing with that.  So that's been interesting.  The more I look at it, the more I'm glad I went with this vendor instead of some of the others.  The features of slow ramping heating elements, countdown timers, timers, water tight, and mainly the versatility are the main selling points in my mind.  Some other control panels are setup so its basically their way or the highway.  But what if you want to brew something using a completely different process.  This system is simple enough, or as I prefer to say versatile enough, that you can use it to fit whatever you want to do.  At least I hope.  When I start brewing here in,,, ummm,,, ( gees don't want to jynx us),,, Sept I will find out if it really works. 

We are gonna change the name to Mad Phoenix Brewpub cause we're rising from the ashes.

(okay that was lame sorry)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Started working on the bar top this weekend.  I got two huge and awesome wood slabs, approx 30"x12'x4". Spent all day saturday and sunday sanding them down, since I don't have a 30" wide plainer. (and really who does)  One is pretty well poly'd now and looking good.  Its starting to get exciting seeing it come together.

Got a delivery of 24 firkin 1/2 bbl kegs friday.  I figure they'll be perfect for on-site cask storage.  The firkin side port will allow for easy cleaning.  We figured that storing our beer in kegs would be a more flexible option then using brite/serving tanks.  By storing in kegs we can keep the beer closer to the tap and don't have to use a line chiller.  There is also less waste because you don't waste all that beer in the line when the keg goes dry.  And if in the future we want to start distributing then we are set.

Also,,, ( yes a lot has been going on)
I found the article in the Purcellville Gazette announcing that our Change of Use request will be considered at the upcoming town hall meeting in Lovettsville.  So that's,,, exciting,, scary,,, anxious something like that.  Lovettsville is charming little town that really fits our style.  So lets hope things work out.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,,, drum roll,,,,,,,,  

After several days of gathering documentation,
After several months of reading,

We have officially submitted for our TTB permit
( that means craft-brews are coming ) 

I know this is just another step of many many many in the process.  But this is a critical milestone.  It means if we get the permit, according to the feds, we can produce beer.  It took a lot of work to get to this point.  There is a sense of great relief and accomplishment.  There will definitely be some celebrating going on this weekend.  

for kicks and grins, ttb's website right now says 51 days to process. starting today.
sooo,,, Predictions:   ( feel free to submit your own predictions too, if you predict correct, we'll find some prize for ya )

ttb says,   July 1st. 
I say,       Oct 1st.
  ( my prediction comes from what I have read. and the average other breweries are seeing. about 90 days ) 

Wish us luck !!